Because article marketing is such a fantastic tool, 100s of article submission sites have popped up. It's amazing actually. Enter "article submission site" in your search engine and you will find more than 55,000 outcomes. You can not, and probably do not want to, take the time to submit to every site on hand so how do you decide which sites are most excellent? Where do you submit your articles for maximum outcomes?
Here are five factors to judge when deciding which article submission sites to select.
Select Sites that are well Ranked
If the site is not ranked by Google, you are articles are not going to be viewed by anybody. You would not want to select a website that turns up on page 30 of the Google outcomes because no one goes that deep. As well, does Alexa rank the website? Alexa.com tracks web traffic. You can go there and enter your website address and see how you compare. You can as well go there and observe how many visitors your prospective article submission site receives.
Select submission websites that give helpful and relevant statistics
For example, some submissions websites will inform you how many times your article had been linked to how many times your article has been analyses and how many times people have just clicked on your URL. Other sites will as well have room for rating, comments, voting, and email messages. If your prospective does not offer at least linked figures, page views and URL click through then consider a different site. It is important to be able to track your results and your return on investment with any marketing initiative.
Consider finding topic-specific article websites
The majority of the article submission sites are general websites with categories ranging from hobbies, pets, family fun, business, computers, relationships, health, travel and more. However, some sites specialize in a specific area of topics. For example education, gaming, pets, travel and more. If you are writing an article on pets, it might give you better exposure and better results to submit your article to the four pet associated article sites rather than four general article websites where your article could get lost amongst the thousands of other articles.
Does the article directory site permit you to achieve your goals?
Some people only want to submit articles with fixed text links. However, many article sites do not allow this practice. Read the list of features of your prospective article site and make sure it will help you reach your goals.
Review testimonials, case studies and do not be scared to spend some time reading the content on your prospective site
If you find the content to be repeatable and valuable, probabilities are the website will have a good status and be able to deliver solid outcomes. If, however, the website has the reputation of letting anyone print just about anything, then probability are webmasters, ezine publishers, bloggers and other business owners are not going to be visiting and republishing and reprinting the content.
In the world of article marketing, there is a difference in article submission sites. Take the time to do your research, submit to a few top notch sites instead of anyone and everyone, and you are website will reap the outcomes of your labor.
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